You may submit filings to PAAB by mail or in person delivery.
PAAB Mailing Address: PAAB P.O. Box 10486 Des Moines, IA 50306
In Person Delivery: Deliver to the reception desk on the first floor of the Hoover State Office Building, 1305 E. Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50319.
Serving the Opposing Party: The filing party is responsible for ensuring allfilings are also served on the opposing party.
Note: Paper-filed documents are scanned and filed in to PAAB's eFile system. Paper-filed documents should be on standard-size paper (8.5 x 11) and individually labeled. You may use paper clips, but PAAB prefers documents aren't stapled.
Your document is considered filed with PAAB when it is:
delivered in-person;
delivered to a courier service for immediate delivery;
All filings must also be served on the opposing party.
Service means providing filings (your documents) to the other party in your appeal.
List items for Service of Filings on Opposing Party
If both parties are participating in eFile, you can serve filings on the opposing party using eFile.
Verify the party's filing status by checking the Service List.
To access the Service List, from the Home screen click Existing Appeals. On the My Cases page, either 1) enter the Docket Number and click Service List; or 2) find the appeal in your My Cases list and click Service List.
If either party is not participating in eFile, you can only serve filings on the opposing party by mail, email, or personal delivery.
Verify the party's filing status by checking the Service List.
To access the Service List, from the Home screen click Existing Appeals. On the My Cases page, either 1) enter the Docket Number and click Service List; or 2) find the appeal in your My Cases list and click Service List.
A motion is a written request for PAAB to rule on a specific issue. A party may use the forms above to file a motion.
The opposing party may file a resistance to any motion. Typically, a resistance should to be filed within 10 days of the date the motion was filed. A party may use the Generic Resistance Template to file a resistance.