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Properties Assessed for Less Than $3 Million

PAAB sets the date for hearings and written considerations in appeals assessed for less than $3 million. Hearings take place year-round.

PAAB posts all hearings and written considerations on its Hearing Calendar.

Notice of Hearing/Written Consideration

PAAB issues the Notice of Hearing or Notice of Written Consideration at least 30 days before the scheduled date. 

It is important to read the Notice. It contains deadlines for filing exhibits and other important information. 

  • eFilers: If you use eFile, you will be sent notice of electronic filing email when the Notice is filed. The Notice will also be posted on your eFile account. You must must log in to eFile and access the appeal documents to read the Notice. If you don't read the Notice, it may be detrimental to your appeal. 
  • Paper Filers: PAAB will mail you a copy of the Notice. 

Required Dismissal

If an appellant does not appear at the hearing, and has not requested a continuance, PAAB is required to dismiss the appeal. Read Iowa Code section 441.37A for more information. 

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Properties Assessed for $3 Million or More

PAAB does not automatically schedule hearings in appeals assessed at $3 million or more. Rather, the parties must enter a Hearing Scheduling and Discovery Plan

A Hearing Scheduling and Discovery Plan lets the parties mutually set a hearing date. They may also set deadlines for designating witnesses and exchanging evidence.

Use the Hearing Scheduling and Discovery Plan form to submit a hearing date to PAAB.

  • Contact the opposing party or their representative. 
  • Discuss any discovery issues you anticipate, including designating experts and serving expert reports. 
  • Review the Hearing Calendar and find a date/time when the parties and PAAB are available. 
  • Complete the form and file it with PAAB. 
  • PAAB will notify you if there is a problem with the selected hearing date. If not, PAAB will put the hearing on its calendar and approve the HSDP.  

List items for HSDP Questions

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You may request a continuance if you aren't available on the scheduled hearing or written consideration date. Use the Motion for Continuance form

  • Please request a continuance as soon as possible. 
  • PAAB will consider the factors in its administrative rules when deciding to grant the continuance. 
  •  PAAB must dismiss an appeal if the appellant does not appear at the hearing.
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If you no longer want to proceed with your PAAB appeal, you may withdraw it. Use the Motion to Withdraw Appeal form.

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The parties may reach an agreement about the appeal (a settlement). To settle an appeal use the Settlement Agreement form.

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